Education Employment Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Welfare

Families Commission Whānau Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

 Last month the Families Commission released a report, Whānau Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.  This report challenges ‘social deficit’ theory and outlines the strengths found in Māori whānau, and successes of Māori overall. A series of case studies are presented within the report to exemplify this. Although this report does not have
Rōpu Māori Social

Suicide statistics released:omnibus excerpt

Chief Coroner Neil MacLean has released suicide statistics to the end of June 2011. Māori have the highest rate, 17.8 per 100,000; which equates to over 100 Māori each year. The rate is also rising; in 2008 around 80 Māori committed suicide. From week ending 2 September 2011
Private Posts Rōpu Māori

Appointments for week ending 2 September 2011: omnibus excerpt

On Wednesday Lieutenant General Sir Jerry Mateparae (Ngāi Kahungunu, Tūharetoa, Tuhoe, Te Āi Haunui-a-Pāāangi) was sworn in as Governor-General.  Rau Hoskins (Ngāi Wai, Ngāi Hau) has been appointed to the Social Housing Ministerial Advisory Panel.   Kaa Williams (Ngāi Tuhoe, Ngāi Manawa, Ngāi Kahungunu, Ngāi Maniapoto), and Ronald Crosby have
Education Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Cultural Competencies for Teachers of Māori Learners resource launched: omnibus excerpt

  On Tuesday the Ministry of Education launched Tātaiako: Cultural Competencies for Teachers of Māori Learners. This 16-page document is designed to improve how educators can relate to, and successful teach, Māori learners. Tātaiako is based around five ‘competencies’; wānanga, whanaungatanga, manaakitanga, tāngata whenuatanga, and ako.This resource has the potential to
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Māori Affairs Select Committee reports back on two treaty settlement bills

On Monday the Māori Affairs Select committee reported back on the Ngāti Porou Claims Settlement Bill, and the Ngāti Pāhauwera Treaty Settlement Bill. The Māori Select Committee has recommended that both bills be accepted, with a small number of operational amendments. From week ending 2 September 2011
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social

Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust to insulate 2,600 Iwi homes: omnibus excerpt

Last Friday the (Acting) Minister of Energy, Hekia Parata, announced a Government partnership with the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust to insulate 2,600 homes of iwi members across New Zealand. This is the largest iwi partnership arrangement to date within the Government’s home-insulation policy framework. From week ending 2 September 2011
Economic Government Private Posts Rōpu Māori Treaty Tribunal reports

Release of the Government’s energy strategy (implications for Māori interests) omnibus excerpt: 2 September 2011

On Tuesday the (Acting) Minister for Energy, Hekia Parata, released The New Zealand Energy Strategy 2011-2012.  This document outlines the Government’s broad energy objectives. Essentially these are that the energy production potential in New Zealand should be maximised, but in environmentally responsible and efficient ways, via the use of diverse