Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Social Treaty

Kokiri Ngatahi Treaty Settlement Hui: omnibus excerpt

The third annual Kokiri Ngatahi Treaty Settlement Hui was held this week.  This is a meeting of iwi leaders and the Crown on settlement matters.  The key message from the Minister of Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations, Chris Finlayson, was that consideration was being given to alternative arrangements to more rapidly
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Select Committee hearings for Ngāti Pahauwera and Ngāti Porou:omnibus excerpt

This week the Māori Affairs Select Committee heard (separately) oral submissions on the Ngāti Pahauwera Treaty Settlement Bill and the Ngāti Porou Treaty Settlement Bill.  The claims are worth circa $70 million and $110 million respectively.  From week ending 1 July 2011
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Social Treaty

Karanga Te Kere Whānau Trust: omnibus excerpt

On Wednesday, Karanga Te Kere Whānau Trust received an ex-gratia payment of $250,000 from the Crown.   The compensation is for rental not received since 1997, when land owned by Karanga Te Kere Whānau Trust, near Taumarunui, was excluded from the Māori Reserved Land Amendment Act. From week ending 1 July
Private Posts Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Ngāi Tūhoe to sign an agreement with the Crown: omnibus excerpt

Ngāi Tūhoe is preparing to sign a ‘Relationship Agreement’ with the Crown.  In 2010, treaty negotiations stalled over a stalemate as to whether ownership of Te Urewera National Park could be included within a settlement package. From week 1 July 2011
Education Employment Government Health Private Posts Rōpu Māori Social Welfare

Government agencies – Statements of Intent: omnibus excerpt

Government agencies – Statements of Intent As we advised you last week, Statements of Intent have now been published for all central Government departments and ministries.   These documents are effectively three items in one: three-year strategic plans, annual business plans, and their funding agreements with the Government.  This week we