Rōpu Māori Social

Te Taiwhenua O Heretaunga – to build communal accommodation for families and kaumatua

  Housing Minister Phil Heatley  announced on Monday that Hawke’s Bay based Whānau Ora provider  Te Taiwhenua O Heretaunga has be awarded funding under the recent Māori Demonstration Partnership (MDP) – Housing Innovation Fund.

Education Rōpu Māori Social

No Deputy Chief Executive role for the Tertiary Education Commission.

On Monday the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) Acting Chief Executive, Dr Colin Webb confirmed that the TEC Board has decided not to proceed with the appointment of a Deputy Chief Executive under the TEC restructure set to take effect from 1 June. 

Rōpu Māori Settlements Treaty

Three Treaty settlement Bills passed their first reading in Parliament

  Three treaty settlements Bills for Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Pāhauwera and Ngāti Maniapoto interests in the Waipa River, passed their first reading in Parliament yesterday.   T he Nga Wai o Maniapoto (Waipa River) Bill  outlines the processes for co-governance and co-management between the Crown and the Ngāti Maniapoto iwi over  the Waipa